
Found 312 results
Joanna Moody, Jinhua Zhao. Adoption of Exclusive and Pooled TNC Services in Singapore and the U.S. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems. 2020;146(9).
Joanna Moody, Jinhua Zhao. Adoption of Exclusive and Pooled TNC Services in Singapore and the U.S.. In: Transportation Research Board 99th Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.; 2020.
Yonah Freemark, Anne Hudson, Jinhua Zhao. Aptitudes for Regulating Autonomous Vehicles: A Survey of Municipal Officials. In: Transportation Research Board 99th Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.; 2020.
Peyman Noursalehi, Haris Koutsopoulos, Jinhua Zhao. Automated Information Extraction From Textual Data: Application In Transit Disruption Management. In: Transportation Research Board 99th Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.; 2020.
Fissinger MR. Behavioral Dynamics of Public Transit Ridership in Chicago and Impacts of COVID-19. Vol MST.; 2020.
Jeffrey Laurence Rosenblum, Jinhua Zhao, Arcaya M, Steil J. Behavioral Response to Discounted Fares for Low-income Transit Riders in Boston. In: Transportation Research Board 99th Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.; 2020.
Apaar Bansal, Jinhua Zhao. Bundled Mobility Passes in Chicago: Consumer Preference and Revenue Implications. In: Transportation Research Board 99th Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.; 2020.
Baichuan Mo, Zhenliang Ma, Haris Koutsopoulos, Jinhua Zhao. Capacity-Constrained Network Performance Model for Urban Rail Systems. Transportation Research Record. 2020.
Shenhao Wang, Baichuan Mo, Jinhua Zhao. Deep Neural Networks for Choice Analysis: Architecture Design with Alternative-Specific Utility Functions. Transportation Research Part C. 2020.
Shenhao Wang, Qingyi Wang, Jinhua Zhao. Deep Neural Networks for Choice Analysis: Extracting Complete Economic Information for Interpretation. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 2020.
Zhan Zhao, Haris Koutsopoulos, Jinhua Zhao. Discovering Latent Activity Patterns from Transit Smart Card Data: A Spatiotemporal Topic Model. Transportation Research Part C. 2020.
Peyman Noursalehi, Haris N. Koutsopoulos, Jinhua Zhao. Dynamic Origin-Destination Prediction in Urban Rail Systems: A Multi-resolution Spatio-Temporal Deep Learning Approach. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS. 2020.
Kondor D, Xiaohu Zhang, Meghjani M, Paolo Santi, Jinhua Zhao, Carlo Ratti. Estimating the Potential for Shared Autonomous Scooters. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2020.
Rosenblum J. Expanding access to the city : how public transit fare policy shapes travel decision making and behavior of low-income riders. Vol PhD.; 2020.
Xuenan Ni, Joanna Moody, Jinhua Zhao. How does public support of transportation policies vary across countries?. In: Transportation Research Board 99th Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.; 2020.
Hui Kong, Xiaohu Zhang, Jinhua Zhao. How does Ridesourcing Substitute for Public Transit? A geospatial perspective in Chengdu, China. Journal of Transport Geography. 2020.
Hui Kong, Joanna Moody, Jinhua Zhao. ICT’s Impacts on Ride-hailing Use and Individual Travel. Transportation Research Part A. 2020.
Su T. Identifying Commuting Behavior Segments for TDM Program Design: University Case Study. Vol MCP.; 2020.
Masud O. Inside the App Bureaucracy: The Use of Smartphone Applications in Public Service Delivery Organizations in Pakistan. Vol PhD.; 2020.
Baichuan Mo, Wang QY, Yu Shen, Jinhua Zhao. Latent Attitudes of Existing Travel Modes on Autonomous Vehicle Adoption. In: Transportation Research Board 99th Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.; 2020.
Peyman Noursalehi, Koutsopoulos HN, Jinhua Zhao. Machine-learning-augmented analysis of textual data: application in transit disruption management. IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2020.
