
Found 312 results
Tim Scully, John Attanucci, Jinhua Zhao. Incorporating Mobile Activity Tracking Data In A Transit Agency: Collecting, Comparing, And Trip Mode Inference. In: Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting.; 2017.
Anson Stewart. Mapping transit accessibility: Possibilities for public participation. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 2017.
Measuring Modal Preference in the U.S. and Singapore: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of the Implicit Association Test and Traditional Survey Techniques.; 2017.
Gabriel Goulet-Langlois, Haris Koutsopoulos, Zhan Zhao, Jinhua Zhao. Measuring Regularity of Individual Travel Patterns. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2017.
Menghan Li. Measuring Travel Equity and Representativeness: Opportunities and Challenges of Using Smartphone- based Travel Survey in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Vol Master of City Planning, Master of Science in Transportation. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 2017.
Zhan Zhao, Haris Koutsopoulos, Jinhua Zhao. Mobility as A Language: Predicting Individual Mobility In Public Transportation Using N-Gram Models. In: Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting.; 2017.
Adam Rosenfield, Jinhua Zhao. Quality of Travel Time Use: Definition and Measurement. In: Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting.; 2017.
Jian Wen, Jinhua Zhao, Patrick Jaillet. Rebalancing Shared Mobility-on-Demand Systems: a Reinforcement Learning Approach. In: IEEE ITSC Workshop on Intelligent Public Transport 2017.; 2017.
Zhan Guo, Jinhua Zhao, Chris Whong, Prachee Mishra, Lance Wyman. Redesigning Subway Map to Mitigate Bottleneck Congestion: An Experiment in Washington DC Using Mechanical Turk. Transportation Research Part A. 2017;106:158-169.
Shenhao Wang, Jinhua Zhao. Risk Attitude in Choosing Between Lottery And Auction In License Plate Regulations.; 2017.
Yu Shen, Hongmou Zhang, Jinhua Zhao. Simulating the First Mile Service to Access Train Stations by Shared Autonomous Vehicle. In: Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting.; 2017.
Adam Rosenfield, Jinhua Zhao, John Attanucci. Small Nudges, Big Data: Evaluating the Impact of MIT Commuting Benefits Program. In: International Conference on Transport Survey Methods. Estérel, Canada; 2017.
Javier Morales-Sarriera, German Escovar Á lvarez, Kelly Blynn, Andrew Aylesbury, Tim Scully, Jinhua Zhao. To Share or Not to Share: Investigating the Social Aspects of Dynamic Ridesharing. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2017.
Hongmou Zhang, Jinhua Zhao. The Tradeoff Between Efficiency and Fellow Passenger Preference: a Preference-Based Ridesharing Model. In: Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Conference. Washington, D.C.; 2017.
Jingkang Gao, Jinhua Zhao. Traffic Law Compliance by Chinese Drivers: Demographics and Motivations. In: Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting.; 2017.
Kim CI. Urban spatial structure, housing markets, and resilience to natural hazards. Vol PhD.; 2017.
Margo Dawes, Jinhua Zhao. User Identification of and Attitude Toward Dynamic Ridesourcing Services. In: Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Conference. Washington, D.C.; 2017.
Javier Morales-Sarriera, Frederick Salvucci, Jinhua Zhao. What Drives the Increasing Costs of Transit Operations? The Implications of Labor Productivity, Contracting Out, and Unionization. In: Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting.; 2017.
Javier Morales-Sarriera, Frederick Salvucci, Jinhua Zhao. Worse than Baumol's disease: The implications of labor productivity, contracting out, and unionization on transit operation costs. Transport Policy. 2017;61:10-16.
Corinna Li. Better, Quicker, Together: Enabling Public Transport Service Quality Co-monitoring Through a Smartphone-Based Platform. Vol Master of City Planning, Master of Science in Transportation. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 2016.
Joanna Moody, Jintai Li, Jinhua Zhao. ‘Car Pride’ in New York City vs. Houston: Towards a Cross-Cultural Comparison.; 2016.
Liu Liu, Zhou B, Jinhua Zhao, Ryan BD. C-IMAGE: city cognitive mapping through geo-tagged photos. GeoJournal. 2016;81(6).
Gabriel Goulet Langlois, Haris Koutsopoulos, Jinhua Zhao. Clustering the Multi-week Activity Sequences of Public Transport Users. In: 95th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.: Transportation Research Board; 2016.
Yu Shen, Jinhua Zhao, João de Abreu e Silva, Luis Miguel Martínez. Cross-City Comparison: Impacts of Madrid-Seville High-Speed Rail on Population Growth. In: 95th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.: Transportation Research Board; 2016.
Ruishan Zhang, Jinhua Zhao. Establishing Transit-Oriented Development on the Ground: A Case-Based Analysis of Implementing TOD in China. In: 95th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.: Transportation Research Board; 2016.
