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Yonah Freemark, Jinhua Zhao. An Urban Agenda for Autonomous Vehicles: Embedding Planning Principles into Technological Deployment. In: Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.; 2018.
Joanna Moody, Jintai Li, Jinhua Zhao. Capturing Hidden Attitudes: Introducing the Implicit Association Test to Transportation Planning.; 2017.
Shenhao Wang, Jinhua Zhao. Distributional Effects of Lotteries and Auctions —License Plate Regulations in Guangzhou. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 2017;106:473-483.
Han Qiu, Ruimin Li, Jinhua Zhao. Dynamic Pricing in Shared Mobility on Demand Service and its Social Impacts.; 2017.
Corinna Li, Christopher Zegras, Fang Zhao, Zhengquan Qin, Ayesha Shahid, Moshe Ben-Akiva, et al. Enabling Transit Service Quality Co-monitoring Through a Smartphone-Based Platform. In: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.; 2017.
Yu Shen, Jinhua Zhao, João de Abreu e Silva, Luis Miguel Martínez. From accessibility improvement to land development: a comparative study on the impacts of Madrid-Seville high-speed rail. Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research; 2017.
Menghan Li, Jinhua Zhao. Gaining Acceptance by Informing the People? Public Knowledge, Attitudes, and Acceptance of Transportation Policies. Journal of Planning Education and Research. 2017.
Tim Scully, John Attanucci, Jinhua Zhao. Incorporating Mobile Activity Tracking Data In A Transit Agency: Collecting, Comparing, And Trip Mode Inference. In: Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting.; 2017.
Gabriel Goulet-Langlois, Haris Koutsopoulos, Zhan Zhao, Jinhua Zhao. Measuring Regularity of Individual Travel Patterns. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2017.
Zhan Zhao, Haris Koutsopoulos, Jinhua Zhao. Mobility as A Language: Predicting Individual Mobility In Public Transportation Using N-Gram Models. In: Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting.; 2017.
Adam Rosenfield, Jinhua Zhao. Quality of Travel Time Use: Definition and Measurement. In: Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting.; 2017.
Jian Wen, Jinhua Zhao, Patrick Jaillet. Rebalancing Shared Mobility-on-Demand Systems: a Reinforcement Learning Approach. In: IEEE ITSC Workshop on Intelligent Public Transport 2017.; 2017.
Zhan Guo, Jinhua Zhao, Chris Whong, Prachee Mishra, Lance Wyman. Redesigning Subway Map to Mitigate Bottleneck Congestion: An Experiment in Washington DC Using Mechanical Turk. Transportation Research Part A. 2017;106:158-169.
Shenhao Wang, Jinhua Zhao. Risk Attitude in Choosing Between Lottery And Auction In License Plate Regulations.; 2017.
Yu Shen, Hongmou Zhang, Jinhua Zhao. Simulating the First Mile Service to Access Train Stations by Shared Autonomous Vehicle. In: Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting.; 2017.
Adam Rosenfield, Jinhua Zhao, John Attanucci. Small Nudges, Big Data: Evaluating the Impact of MIT Commuting Benefits Program. In: International Conference on Transport Survey Methods. Estérel, Canada; 2017.
Javier Morales-Sarriera, German Escovar Á lvarez, Kelly Blynn, Andrew Aylesbury, Tim Scully, Jinhua Zhao. To Share or Not to Share: Investigating the Social Aspects of Dynamic Ridesharing. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2017.
Hongmou Zhang, Jinhua Zhao. The Tradeoff Between Efficiency and Fellow Passenger Preference: a Preference-Based Ridesharing Model. In: Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Conference. Washington, D.C.; 2017.
Jingkang Gao, Jinhua Zhao. Traffic Law Compliance by Chinese Drivers: Demographics and Motivations. In: Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting.; 2017.
Margo Dawes, Jinhua Zhao. User Identification of and Attitude Toward Dynamic Ridesourcing Services. In: Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Conference. Washington, D.C.; 2017.
Javier Morales-Sarriera, Frederick Salvucci, Jinhua Zhao. What Drives the Increasing Costs of Transit Operations? The Implications of Labor Productivity, Contracting Out, and Unionization. In: Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting.; 2017.
Javier Morales-Sarriera, Frederick Salvucci, Jinhua Zhao. Worse than Baumol's disease: The implications of labor productivity, contracting out, and unionization on transit operation costs. Transport Policy. 2017;61:10-16.
