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Ex-Post Path Choice Estimation for Urban Rail Systems Using Smart Card Data: An Aggregated Time-Space Hypernetwork Approach. Transporation Science. 2022.
Gender differences in the user satisfaction and service quality improvement priority of public transit bus system in Porto Alegre and Fortaleza, Brazil. Travel Behaviour and Society. 2022.
Identifying Hidden Visits from Sparse Call Detail Record Data. Transactions in Urban Data, Science, and Technology. 2022.
Impact of Unplanned Long-Term Service Disruptions on Urban Public Transit Systems. IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2022.
Inferring Passenger Responses to Urban Rail Disruptions Using Smart Card Data: A Probabilistic Framework. Transportation Research Part E. 2022.
Motivations for Watching Videos on Mobile Phones While Driving in Parking lots and While Waiting at Intersections in the United States. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 2022.
Proof of Travel for Trust-Based Data Validation in V2I Communication. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2022.
Calibrating Path Choices and Train Capacities for Urban Rail Transit Simulation Models Using Smart Card and Train Movement Data. Journal of Advanced Transportation. 2021.
Comparison of Door-to-Door Transit Travel Time Estimation Using Schedules, Real-Time Vehicle Arrivals, and Smartcard Inference Methods. Transportation Research Record. 2021.
Competition between Shared Autonomous Vehicles and Public Transit: A Case Study in Singapore. Transportation Research Part C. 2021.
Deep Neural Networks for Choice Analysis: A Statistical Learning Theory Perspective. Transportation Research Part B. 2021.
Equality of opportunity in travel behavior prediction with deep neural networks and discrete choice models. Transportation Research Part C. 2021.
E-scooter sharing to serve short-distance transit trips: a Singapore Case. Transportation Research Part A. 2021.
Examining the Discrepancies between Self-Reported and Actual Commuting Behavior at the Individual Level. Transportation Research Record. 2021.
The impact of social externality information on fostering sustainable travel mode choice: A behavioral experiment in Zhengzhou, China. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 2021.
Impacts of subjective evaluations and inertia from use of existing travel modes on adoption of autonomous mobility-on-demand. Transportation Research Part C. 2021.
Individual Mobility Prediction in Mass Transit Systems Using Smart Card Data: An Interpretable Activity-Based Hidden Markov Approach. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2021.
Measuring policy leakage of Beijing’s car ownership restriction. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 2021.
The Mobility Pattern of Dockless Bike Sharing: A Four-month Study in Singapore. Transportation Research Part D. 2021.
Predictive decision support platform and its application in crowding prediction and passenger information generation. Transportation Research Part C. 2021.
The Relationship between Transportation Network Companies and Public Transit in Chicago: a comparison before and after COVID-19 shutdowns. Journal of Transport Geography. 2021.
Robust Matching-Integrated Vehicle Rebalancing in Ride-hailing System with Uncertain Demand. Transportation Research Part B. 2021.
Theory-based residual neural networks: A synergy of discrete choice models and deep neural networks. Transportation Research Part B. 2021.